Can Diahrehea Cause White Blood Cells to Be High

What is gastroenteritis?

Gastroenteritis, or stomach flu, is an inflammation of the digestive tract and may be the cause of a high white blood cell count since they increase with almost any type of infection or inflammation.

Gastroenteritis, or stomach flu, is an inflammation of the digestive tract and may exist the cause of a high white blood cell count since they increment with almost whatsoever type of infection or inflammation.

Besides causing discomfort, abdominal pain can crusade you to worry. A high white blood cell count may besides exist troubling. If you are having these symptoms, you may wonder if simple gastroenteritis can cause this combination of symptoms or if you are experiencing something more serious.

Gastroenteritis, commonly called stomach influenza, is an inflammation of the digestive tract, specifically of the lining of your stomach and small-scale intestine. It comes in three varieties: viral, bacterial, and parasitic.

Most cases of gastroenteritis pass on their own without a need for medical handling, although older people, young people, and those with sure health conditions may demand to seek help.

Claret tests aren't specially helpful in diagnosing gastroenteritis because a high white blood cell count occurs with almost any type of infection or inflammation. Doctors seldom order blood tests for gastroenteritis, just they may if they suspect something else is causing your symptoms.

More than serious weather condition, such equally appendicitis, can cause both intestinal pain and a high white blood cell count.

Symptoms of gastroenteritis

The iii types of gastroenteritis are slightly dissimilar, simply they all have the same usual symptoms:

Cramping and diarrhea

Diarrhea is the primary symptom of gastroenteritis. You may have several watery stools a day, along with intestinal pain and cramping. If you lot take more 10 bowel movements in a single day, you are experiencing what doctors consider severe diarrhea.

Other signs of severe diarrhea include pus or blood in your stool. Diarrhea tin be life-threatening to children considering they tin become dehydrated rapidly.

Other digestive symptoms

You may also feel nausea and airsickness with gastroenteritis. Other digestive symptoms include bloating and a loss of appetite.

Feeling unwell

Yous may lack free energy and feel achy when you take gastroenteritis. You may besides accept a depression-course fever, meaning a fever that is less than 101 degrees Fahrenheit.

Causes of gastroenteritis

Many weather condition tin crusade gastroenteritis, but these are the most mutual:


Viruses cause more than gastroenteritis than other agents. About cases are caused by norovirus, rotavirus, or adenovirus.

Rotavirus was very common in children under three until 2006, when scientists developed a vaccine. Since and then, the number of cases has plummeted.

Norovirus frequently causes outbreaks of gastroenteritis in closed environments, such as cruise ships and nursing homes. Information technology is resistant to common disinfectants.

Less commonly, other viral agents such as adenoviruses can cause gastroenteritis.

Viral gastroenteritis is unremarkably passed from carrion into the rima oris, which is one reason it is more common in children. It can also be passed through contaminated nutrient and water.


Although bacterial gastroenteritis is less common than viral, it is still quite common. It may be caused by 4 kinds of bacteria: E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella, and Campylobacter.

Bacterial gastroenteritis may be a form of food poisoning that begins when y'all eat contaminated food, food that has been undercooked, or food that has been left unrefrigerated. Some bacterial gastroenteritis infections as well spread person-to-person. If you have gastroenteritis with bloody stool or a high fever, you lot probably have the bacterial version.


Abdominal parasites can also cause gastrointestinal distress. In the Us, the microorganisms Giardia or Cryptosporidium often crusade parasitic gastroenteritis. Giardiasis results from contact with the carrion of infected animals or humans.

Cryptosporidium is commonly waterborne. Information technology can grow in drinking water or h2o used for recreational purposes, such as the water in splash pads. Both Giardia and Cryptosporidium have an outer shell that allows them to survive outside the body of a host and that makes them difficult to impale.


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Diagnosis of gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis usually passes quickly, but if your symptoms persist, yous should meet a doctor. It is of import to accurately diagnose gastroenteritis because weather such equally ulcerative colitis or appendicitis can crusade similar symptoms.

To diagnose you, your doctor may ask you lot the following questions:

  • Have you been out of the land recently? If so, y'all may take traveler's diarrhea.
  • Have yous recently been on an antibiotic? If and then, you may have killed the good leaner in your digestive tract, assuasive bacteria such equally C. difficile to abound.
  • Have you eaten any foods that have recently been the discipline of a recall?
  • Have you been effectually people with similar symptoms?
  • Have you changed medications recently?

Your doctor may besides run diagnostic tests, including:

Stool tests

Your doctor tin can employ a stool sample to classify your diarrhea equally acute watery diarrhea, chronic watery diarrhea, or acute inflammatory diarrhea. This consequence, plus the answers to the questions above, volition tell your dr. if further testing is needed.

Claret tests

Tests for serum electrolytes and creatinine tin can help doctors assess those who appear to be seriously ill. In some cases, your doctor may also do a complete claret count (CBC) because a high count of detail white blood cells, called eosinophils, may indicate a parasitic infection.

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Treatments for gastroenteritis

The treatment of gastroenteritis depends upon the diagnosis, only your doctor may recommend the following:


If you are at habitation, you should potable fluids including broth or burgoo to stay hydrated. If your kid has diarrhea, y'all should not give them sugary fluids similar soda pop or fruit drinks considering they take the incorrect combination of water, sugar, and salts. Your md can tell you what fluids are all-time.

If you are in the infirmary with astringent diarrhea, your dr. may order intravenous (4) fluids, every bit well equally oral fluids if you tin can go along them downwards. The blazon of 4 fluids may differ co-ordinate to your symptoms and diagnosis.


Your doctor may recommend drugs that reduce diarrhea, such as loperamide. Your doctor volition not recommend these drugs if they suspect that C. difficile, Salmonella, or Shigella are the crusade of your illness.

Bulking agents

Psyllium and similar compounds are medications ordinarily used for constipation, simply they may brand your stools less watery when you consume them in pocket-size amounts.


Pancreatitis is inflammation of an organ in the abdomen chosen the pancreas. Encounter Answer

Medically Reviewed on ane/13/2021


Better Health Channel: "Gastroenteritis."

Cedars Sinai: "Bacterial Gastroenteritis."

Family Dr.: "Anti-diarrheal Medicines: OTC Relief for Diarrhea."

Harvard Health Publishing: "Gastroenteritis in Adults."

Merck Manual Professional Version: "Diarrhea."

Merck Manual Professional Version: "Gastroenteritis."

MUSC Health: "Gastroenteritis."

National Plant of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: "Diagnosis of Appendicitis."

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: "Diagnosis of Viral Gastroenteritis ("Stomach Flu").


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